HUAWEI OLT initialization


Huawei OLT initial steps

In this post you'll find step by step instructions for initial OLT configuration and for setting up the IP connectivity of any HUAWEI OLT. After completing these steps, you'll be ready to connect your OLT to SmartOLT.

Step one:Connect with telnet using the factory default IP address.

The factory IP address of any Huawei OLT is The default username is root and the password is admin. For R017 and newer firmware the root password is admin123
Connect an ethernet cable to the dedicated (out-of-band) ETH management port of the OLT. This management port is typically labeled ETH and in the OLT software is reffered to as meth0.
In case you want to use a serial cable to connect to the serial console port instead of telnet, the settings are: 9600-8N1.
The Mgmt ETH port is an isolated port, designed for management purposes only. This port cannot be used to transport the normal traffic of the customers.
Configure the IP address on your PC or on the ethernet port of the Mikrotik where the OLTs' management port is connected. Verify connectivity by pinging, you should receive replies. Then open a telnet connection to the OLT.

Connected to
>>User name:root
>>User password:
MA5608T> enable

Step two:
Display and confirm the detected OLT boards.

MA5608T> enable
MA5608T# config
MA5608T(config)# display board 0

A list with the OLT boards will be displayed.
Confirm the boards that have the Auto_find status:

MA5608T(config)# board confirm 0/0
MA5608T(config)# board confirm 0/1
MA5608T(config)# board confirm 0/2
MA5608T(config)# display board 0
Now your OLT boards should be in Normal or Active_normal status.

Step three:
Configure your allocated management IP address for this OLT, in this example it's, with default gateway on the out-of-band meth0 ETH interface:

MA5608T> enable
MA5608T# config
MA5608T(config)# interface meth0
MA5608T(config)# ip address

Reconnect to the OLT on the new IP address
Add the default gateway and save configuration:
--- make sure the default gateway IP address is already configured on your router ---
MA5608T> enable
MA5608T# config
MA5608T(config)# undo ip route-static
MA5608T(config)# ip route-static
MA5608T(config)# save
Press Enter again to confirm the save action of both data and configuration.

Step four:
Create a dedicated username/password. This user/pass will be used by SmartOLT to connect to your OLT.

MA5608T> enable
MA5608T# config
MA5608T(config)# terminal user name
User Name(length<6,15>): smartoltusr
User Password(length<6,15>): (insert a strong password here)
Confirm Password(length<6,15>): (confirm the password)
User profile name(<=15 chars)[root]: (press ENTER)
User's Level:
1. Common User 2. Operator 3. Administrator: 3
Permitted Reenter Number(0--4): 4
User's Appended Info(<=30 chars): (press ENTER or a comment like SmartOltUser)
Adding user successfully
Repeat this operation? (y/n)[n]: n

For safety, change the root password:
MA5608T(config)# terminal user password
User Name(<=15 chars): root
New Password(length<6,15>): (insert a strong password here)
Confirm Password(length<6,15>): (confirm the password)
Information takes effect
Repeat this operation? (y/n)[n]: n

Step five:
In some cases, depending on the OLT firmware version, these extra commands will enable telnet and SNMP:

MA5608T# config
MA5608T(config)# sysman service telnet enable
MA5608T(config)# sysman service snmp enable

Then bind the telnet/snmp to all the interfaces:
MA5608T(config)# sysman server source telnet any-interface
MA5608T(config)# sysman server source snmp any-interface

Finally, make sure no firewall is enabled for the services:
MA5608T(config)# sysman firewall telnet disable
MA5608T(config)# sysman firewall snmp disable

At this stage, your OLT is ready to be interconnected with SmartOLT system.
Open your site, go to Settings -- OLTs -- Add OLT.
Fill in the fields displayed, and click the Save button.

# Other general settings (If you use SmartOLT, these are configured automatically, no need to configure them manually):

MA5608T> enable
MA5608T# config
MA5608T(config)# autosave interval 1442
MA5608T(config)# autosave type all
MA5608T(config)# autosave interval configuration 480
MA5608T(config)# autosave interval on
MA5608T(config)# ntp-service unicast-server
MA5608T(config)# ntp-service unicast-server

# Optionally, you can configure an "in-band" IP address on a VLAN interface. This is useful when you want to manage the OLT using the same physical interface that is used for normal traffic of the customers. We do not recommend this scenario because if a loop happens in the ONT, undetected by the ONT/OLT and the uplink port is shutdown by the uplink device as a reaction to the loop, you will lose the IP connectivity with the OLT as well.
MA5608T> enable
MA5608T# config
MA5608T(config)# interface vlanif 100
MA5608T(config)# ip address [IP] [MASK]